Court Marriage Cancellation in Ghaziabad
In India, plenty of people perform court marriage in their respective district court and live their lives happily but there are many cases in which couples find that they’re cheated on by their partner for obvious reasons. In that case, the judicial bodies have given them the right to file a petition against their marriage and cancel their marriage contract.
A Marriage can be easily declared null and void under some specific circumstances. When one of the parties does not fulfil the eligibility criteria and breaches any of the conditions required for performing court marriage then their marriage will be declared null and void. Many people got stuck in this serious issue and didn’t know what to do. To aware our society and people we have designed this discussion to provide you with complete acknowledgement regarding Marriage as null and void. All you need to do is to just stick with this discussion and read it carefully. It has everything you need to know regarding Court Marriage Cancellation in Ghaziabad. Court marriage null and void and marriage cancellation. So, let’s start
What is Court Marriage Cancellation – Null and Void ?
When a marriage violates the rules and regulations which are prohibited concerning maintaining the relationship between 2 parties then in that case the marriage can be considered null and void.
People who didn’t follow the eligibility, conditions and requirements of marriage asked by the court and complete their marriage somehow lie under the condition of marriage null and void.
So, if a marriage is null and void as per the and one of the married marriages also files the petition against the marriage proceedings then the court will take serious actions against them and declare the marriage as null and void.
But, declaring marriage null and void is also a complex work to do because the party who files the petition against their marriage should provide the prior proof of their claim and then only the court will take serious actions against the marriage.
Court Marriage Cancel in Ghaziabad | Court Marriage Null & void

Conditions to apply for Court Marriage Null and Void
Many people doubt what are the conditions acceptable by the court to file a petition regarding marriage null and void. Well, there are many conditions through which a person can violate the rules and regulations of marriage. Every case where the rules and conditions of court marriage are breached is acceptable for filing the petition for marriage null and void.
- Bigamy or polygamy:- For performing court marriage there is a condition that both the parties should be single and not active in a legal marriage. But, if one party finds that his/her partner is also active in a legal marriage then he/she can file the petition for marriage null and void.
- Under prohibited degree:- If it is found that a person had completed the marriage in a prohibited degree then also the marriage is null and void.
- Mental Soundness:- If after marriage one party finds that the claim of mental Soundness of the other party is false and he/she had married a person who is not mentally sound then the victim party can file the petition for marriage null and void in court.
- Fraud:- If one party finds that his/her marriage gets done against their will then they can apply for marriage null and void in the court. Any kind of forceful marriage condition is also considered eligible for filing the petition of marriage null and void in the court.
- Underage:- If after completing marriage, it was found that one of the persons is underage and not eligible for marriage then also the court says that the marriage is considered null and void and any of the parties can apply for marriage null and void petition in court.
These are some of the major reasons why most people file a petition against their marriage to declare it null and void. But, the thing doesn’t end here there are a lot more things to know about which a person is required to complete the petition of marriage null and void.
If you want to know more then we strongly suggest you hit the call on +917428075218 and talk to our highly professional lawyers. Our lawyers will take a dedicated counselling session with you and tell you whether you’re eligible to file the petition of Marriage null and void or not.
Prerequisites to know Regarding Court Marriage Cancellation in Ghaziabad or Null and Void
Before starting the journey of procedure and documentation required for marriage null and void. It is very crucial to let you know about some of the most important prerequisites which every person should know before filing the petition.
- A person who wants to apply for marriage null and void should have prior knowledge of grounds of nullity. That’s why we strongly suggest every person hire a dedicated divorce lawyer and complete the counselling session with him. Unreasonable petitions can cause problems for yourself too and that’s why the knowledge of grounds of nullity is crucial.
- Most people ignore the Time limit of filing the petition of marriage and void. The court has set a specific time limit for every type of petition condition. So, the marriage null and void petition is only considered valid if it gets applied in the given time interval which is 1 year after marriage.
- Every couple should hire a reputed lawyer for their case. The lawyer will protect you from any kind of legal hurdle and help to make your procedure fluent. The lawyer will also help you to manage the division of property or alimony after the marriage is declared null and void.
- Gathering evidence is one of the crucial things to know before applying the petitions against the other party. Parties should have to ensure that they have prior availability of documentation, certificates and proof for the reason of marriage null and void if required.
- The process of marriage null and void is an emotionally challenging You have to be ready to revisit the circumstances of the marriage and potentially face your partner as opposed. So, before applying for a marriage petition you need to be emotionally prepared.
These are some of the most important prerequisites that every person should know regarding marriage null and void petitions. These prerequisites will help you to manage your case and deal with the conditions in a better way.
Court Marriage Null & void in Ghaziabad | Marriage Cancel in Ghaziabad
Detailed Procedure of Fling a Petition for Court Marriage Cancellation – Null and Void
The procedure of marriage nullity is not as easy as performing a court marriage. It has a severe requirement of documents and discussions regarding property along with proof and sessions. So, we strongly suggest you hire a firm or a highly reputed lawyer for your marriage null and void application.
We have shared the detailed procedure required to complete the marriage null and void petition. See the steps below:-
- Firstly, you need to seek a legal advisor for your case. In that scenario, you have to hire a trusted and qualified lawyer specializing in family law. They will give you the right advice and direct your petition in a better way. We strongly suggest you make a call on +917428075218 and complete a counselling session with our highly reputed lawyers.
- Now, your lawyer will help you file a petition of marriage null and void under your conditions. The lawyer will analyze the nullity of marriage and guide you to arrange all relevant details and documents required in the court.
- At this step, file the petition in the court which has jurisdiction over the family matters. Once your petition gets filed, the court will issue a dedicated notice to the residential address of another party named in the petition. This notice will be issued to the other party’s address to inform them about the petition and court order.
- Now, the court will call both parties along with prior documents and evidence that can prove that the marriage is null and void.
- Sometimes the court will also ask for medication and counseling to try to resolve the dispute between them. If it doesn’t work then the court calls the parties for a hearing.
- Both parties visit the court for a hearing where their lawyers will present their arguments in front of the judge. Now, it’s up to the judge to deliver the final judgment based on the evidence and merits of the case.
When the judge finds that the petition is legal and there is nothing suspicious about the petition then the judge will pass the judgment declaring the marriage null and void. The court will also give the right to the party to file the petition against the judgment and further proceedings will get started.
Difference Between Marriage Void and Voidable
कोर्ट मैरिज तब अमान्य होती है जब एक विवाह हिंदू विवाह अधिनियम, 1955 के किसी भी नियम और कानून का उल्लंघन कर दे। अगर ऐसा होता है तो कोर्ट – मैरिज को खत्म कर देता है जिससे हम शून्य मैरिज भी कहते हैं
लेकिन, मैरिज शून्यकरणीय तब होती है जब नियमों और विनियमों का उल्लंघन होता है, दोनों पक्षों के बीच संबंधों की समझ नहीं होती। कुछ मामलों में जिनमें कोर्ट मैरिज अमान्य होती है
- अगर कोई भी पार्टनर नपुंसकता की अवस्था में है और शादी नहीं हो रही है
- अगर शादी की धारा 5 के क्लॉज (ii) का विरोधाभास है।
- अगर शादी जबरदस्ती या धोखाधड़ी से करवाई गई है।
- अगर, शादी से फले ही पार्टनर प्रेग्नेंट हो गई या थी।
- अगर शादी पर आपत्ति उठती है तो शादी अमान्य कहलायेगी।
अगर आप Divorce Case फाइल करते है तो :-
पार्टियों को पति और पत्नी का दर्जा है
पत्नी पति से भरण-पोषण का दावा कर सकती है
रद्दीकरण के लिए डिक्री की आवश्यकता है
अगर आप Marriage Null & Void करते है तो :-
पार्टियों को पति और पत्नी का दर्जा नहीं है
पत्नी पति से भरण-पोषण का दावा करने का अधिकार खो देती है
रद्दीकरण के लिए कोई डिक्री की आवश्यकता नहीं है
Documents Required for Court Marriage Cancellation – Null and Void
As we have seen in the procedure documentation plays a pivotal role in completing the marriage null and void petition sanction by the court. So, both the parties present their proofs and identification to the court. Some of the major documents which most persons require are mentioned below:-
- Marriage Certificate:- A copy of a marriage certificate is a must-have document to verify the proceedings of your court marriage in front of judges.
- IDs:- Both parties should have to submit their local identification documents like Aadhar card, PAN card, Matriculation certificate and others.
- Marriage Evidence:- Couples will also have to show additional pictures and memories that they have captured as proof of their marriage. Witness statements and invitation cards will also work as strong evidence of marriage.
- Evidence of Nullity:- It is the biggest and most important document in every marriage null and void petition. The party who has filed the petition will have to present the evidence that verifies his/her claim that they have a maid to make the marriage void. For mental incapability they can present medical reports, for fraud they can provide prior documents that validate their reason and for bigamy, proof of the party’s existing marriage. These documents will decide the result of your petition.
- Affidavits and financial documents:- These affidavits are required for both parties to claim any other relevant facts along with dedicated financial documents like bank statements, income tax returns and others for issues related to finances.
- Miscellaneous documents:- If a party has any other valid document to prove his/her claim then they need to show it to the court.
These are the essential documents that every couple needs to complete the petition of marriage null and void. There may be some other documents too. If you want to know more about it then we suggest you make a call at +917428075218 and talk to our highly professional lawyer. Our lawyers will help you to know the exact documents you want to complete the marriage null and void verification.
Court Marriage Cancellation in Ghaziabad | Marriage Cancellation in Ghaziabad
Court Marriage Null and Void Fees
Marriage null and void fees are a time-consuming task and estimating the exact value of marriage null and void fees is not possible. The fees may vary from lawyer to lawyer. But, if you want to hire a genuine trustworthy and reputed lawyer for your marriage null and void petition then it will cost you around Rs. 20,000/- to Rs. 25,000/-. The charges of marriage null and void are higher than marriage cancellation because the lawyer will have to file a case against the marriage and your former partner and get indulged in severe paperwork.
Court Marriage Cancellation Fees
The fees of marriage cancellation are comparatively lower than the fees of marriage null and void. Still, estimating the exact amount of marriage cancellation is complex work to do because the charges may vary from person to person. Still, if you want to complete your marriage cancellation from the court and want to hire a reputed lawyer then it will cost you around Rs. 10,000/- to Rs. 12,500/-
Court Marriage Cancel Process in Ghaziabad
The complete procedure of court marriage cancellation is listed below:-
#1. Identification of reasons for annulment
The first thing you need to do is to check whether your marriage fits on the valid grounds of annulment of court marriage cancellation in Ghaziabad or not. To check this you need to ensure that you’re willing to apply for court marriage cancellation. If your reason is Bigamy/polygamy, mental Instability, Coercion, or underage marriage then you are eligible to apply for marriage cancellation.
#2. Preparation of petition
Once you’re ready then it’s time to file the petition for marriage cancellation in your residential court. Make sure to share some facts like proof of marriage, grounds of annulment and evidence that supports your claim.
#3. Petition Filing
Once you’re ready with your petition then it’s time to file the petition in the court and wait for their response. Make sure that you have filed the petition in your jurisdiction.
After verifying the petition submitted by your lawyer, the court will issue the notice on the residential address of the other party by notifying them about the filed petition. The other party will have to respond to the court and share a dedicated response letter.
#4. Collection of Evidence & Hearing
Once both parties are ready for a court hearing, the court asks them to submit all the evidence to the court like marriage certificates, IDs, Witness statements, medical reports, and other relevant documents. The court will verify these documents and announce the date of the court hearing.
On the date of hearing both the parties will have to visit the court and present arguments in front of judges. The judge will verify everything and deliver a dedicated judgment for marriage.
#5. Post-judgment formalities
After the judgment, both parties will have to obtain certified copies of the judgment and guide to update the marital status in official records.
Also, if one of the parties has issues with the court judgment regarding alimony or other things, they can challenge the decision of the court in higher judicial authorities.
After completing these 5 stages, your marriage cancellation process gets completed. Make sure that you have hired a genius lawyer for your case. Your lawyer must be experienced, professional and effective.
If you’re searching for a marriage cancellation lawyer for you then call us on +917428075218 and hire the most prestigious court marriage cancellation firm for your case.
Best Court Marriage Cancellation – Null and Void Lawyer in Ghaziabad ?
We’re Vashisht Associates and we’re one of the best teams of lawyers working in Ghaziabad for providing exceptional marriage cancellation services to our customers. We have exceptional expertise in providing marriage cancellation services in Ghaziabad.
We have completed hundreds of marriage cancellation in Ghaziabad and helped thousands of people to restart their life. If you’re looking for experienced, Professional, trustworthy and reputed marriage cancellation associates then make us a call on +917428075218 and book your appointment with our highly reputed court marriage lawyers.
Our respective team members and lawyers will make contact with you and deliver exceptional services to ensure that your marriage cancellation gets completed in a better way. Also, person who have any further questions regarding our affordability, privacy measures and queries on other aspects can also hit the call on +917428075218 and talk to our executives or visit our office at the provided address. Our team of legal experts will attend you and clear all your queries regarding marriage cancellation/null and void.
Null & Void
- What is Marriage Null and void ?
Marriage null and void directly means that the marriage once done between 2 parties will be considered as never existing. This can only be done under the 1 year of marriage between 2 parties and only be sanctioned if one party has breached the rules, requirements and conditions of marriage.
- What are the Common Grounds for Seeking the Nullity of Marriage ?
There are several types of grounds available through which you can apply for marriage cancellation or marriage null and void but some of the major reasons are
- Bigamy,
- Mental incapability
- Fraud marriage,
- Forceful marriage,
- Underage marriage.
- Tell me the Difference Between Marriage Null and Void and Divorce ?
Many people mix divorce with marriage null and void but they’re completely different. In marriage null and void there is a breach of any rule, regulation or condition between 2 parties. But in divorce marriage is valid but the parties are not willing to continue their relationship together.
Marriage null and void treated the marriage as the marriage never existed whereas in divorce, the court acknowledged the marriage and recognized that the marriage ended.
- What is the time limit given for filing the petition of marriage null and void ?
To validate the marriage petition for marriage null and void, one of the parties should have to apply within 1 year from the date of completion of marriage.
- Did both parties need to agree on a marriage null and void petition to complete the procedure ?
No, if any of the parties have found that the marriage is not legal then he/she can file the petition in court. The other party has the right to defend him and provide other respective documents too. Also, if the court sanctions the marriage as null and void but the other party don’t accept the decision then he has the right to file a petition on higher judiciary bodies.
- What happens to the child and property in a marriage null and void case ?
This is the matter of the court to decide the custody of children if any and property based on the specific circumstances of the case and ensure the interest of children along with equitable distribution of property.